13 December, 2016 | 10:00 - 13:00
100 video interviews for 1 job within 1 single day?
Assessment Centers that can really show the work behavior of the candidates?
5 minute in-depth surveys to analyze your team to make better decisions?
Get to know 3 smart tools to bring the most out of your HR activities! Use only one or all three, individually or combined, these solutions can strengthen the different areas of your company’s HR. Three Hungarian forerunners of HR innovations show you how these solutions can enhance your HR processes, what benefits they bring to you, your employees and your organization.
Visitors are welcome starting from 09:00. Participation in the event is FREE, but is subject to an approved registration.
Location: Startup Spark Week
Łódzka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna S.A.
90-349 Łódź,
ul. Ks. Biskupa Wincentego Tymienieckiego 22 G
Date: 10:00-13:00, 13 December, 2016
Duration: Approximately 2,5-3 hours