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Are teachers afraid of technology?



The little usage of technology in education is a two sided issue that may have not been addressed well enough to tackle it, just yet. As Teach Magazine puts it: no, they are less likely to be afraid of it. It is less a question of fear, but in large part, frustration from technology, as well as administrative issues where teachers' hands are tied in the questions of course development.

While some schools are flooded with tech gadgets, there is one crucial element to make it work that is missing: teacher training, professional development and sufficient technical support for the teachers during classes. Usually teachers are already overwhelmed with different tasks along the days, and this fact may discourage them from taking on another thing to learn, and to implement it into courses. Embracing a new method of teaching requires a great deal of planning and coordination, as technology needs to be connected to the wanted learning outcomes.

Although a study in the US reported, that 42% of the surveyed teachers felt that students knew more about technology and its uses, than they did. This factor of missing relevant professional development makes it difficult to make the step that is necessary to move forward with the integration of technology in the classrooms.

However, as there may be a fear of technology factor, it is more widespread that the implementation of technology is not working because of the lack of planning and meaningful professional training, as well as how these strategies are positioned to teachers and whether teachers even have a say in what is going to happen and how these tools are to be used. According to other opinions, most of educators are enthusiastic about using technology in the class, but lots of schools burden them with not enough equipped IT teams in terms of preparations and assistance.

Is it fear? Is it administrative burdens? Is it lack of time to plan, or the lack of professional support from IT? Share your opinion with us on Facebook, email or LinkedIn, and we will include your reflections below.

Keywords: trainings, engagement, technology, education technology, learning enhancement, learning effectiveness, new teaching methods.

Published: 2017.01.23. 16:10